Friday, June 26, 2009

Week 64 - More figures. Almost a year now

First of all, we made the A1c, so I'll post the figures for June:

week 2 June 09:
BG average: 132.4 - a1C from BG: 6.4% - a1C from lab test: 6.8%
Total BG tests: 388 - 90 days average: 4.3 tests a day
Bolus insulin shots: 263 - 90 days average: 2.9 shots a day
NPH insulin total units per day average: 23.6

week 2 May 09:
BG average: 139.1 - a1C from BG: 6.6 - a1C from lab test: Not done yet
Total BG tests: 389 - 90 days average: 4.3 tests a day
Bolus insulin shots: 223 - 90 days average: 2.5 shots a day
NPH insulin total units per day average: 20.0

- Some conclusions: The month between week 2 of May and week 2 of June, looked like we got BG down a bit more. However, A1c did not go down as much as we expected. 6.8% is an average of BG of 144. We have to consider also that he's growing, that ADA recommendation is less than 8%, and he's been eating like any other kid in the block. Next post I'll run a full year comparison.

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