Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20th, 2011

Last A1c Friday September 16th, 2011: 7.6%.

We had a rough trimester, with values all too often between 200 to 300. Eventually we had to increase the basals a lot from 91U a day in June, to 127 right now. That's 2 U/kgrm. Now we are back to the 100-200 range. As usual, I thought that A1c would be way higher, as the BG 90 day average was giving 8% for A1c.

By the way, I've started to use www.diabase.co to keep the values, make the graphics, etc.


  1. Thank you so much for your blog - so informative and well-written!
    I wish I could be in email contact with you. My 17-year old daughter just got diagnosed and we started the alpha 1 antitrypsin trial. I know a guy who did the Teplizumab trial 3 years ago and is today very happy and feeling well!

    Best regards, and good health!

    1. Bernard: You might find a lot of information at www.childrenwithdiabetes.com, the FORUM, the "RESEARCH" section. Lengthy discussions and sharing on trials experiences. Mail is teplizumabblog@gmail.com . I check it out once a month or so, since there are no thrills in the Teplizumab department.
